Solar Monitoring System

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Solar Monitoring System

solar monitoring system

A solar monitoring system can help to track the solar photovoltaic system’s performance. It provides information about energy production, consumption, optimization of energy usage, and error detection to the solar system. Solar Monitoring System enables a remote monitoring system of solar. We install the solar plant by investing a huge amount of money in the solar installer. The solar installer shows us very attractive payback on paper. But when we actually see the benefit after one year the things do not match as told by the solar installer. The most important factor is the monitoring of power generation. Solar Monitoring System manages to collect data from all the sensors like Inverter, Pyranometer, Temperature sensors, and other sensors. Energy Log Data logger can send data to the server via Wi-Fi Internet.

This system can reduce the number of onsite inspections; achieve quicker response times to failures in the field, lower reactive maintenance through alerts before any equipment failure and identification of equipment failure before an inspection. Users can also get accurate, real-time data regarding energy consumption. The user-friendly web application and Dashboard provide a clear and detailed overview of energy flows. The energy data shows visual information that provides a clear breakdown by day, week, month, or year. The systems can monitor and control environmental data such as module temperature, ambient temperature, solar radiation which will helpful for R&D purposes.


  • Dashboard
  • Real-time analytics on data
  • Performance Ratio
  • Monitoring parameters
  • Performance optimization.
  • Alerts on deviation from Standard performance
  • Graphical Reporting

Technologies Used:

Web development and Database modeling

Languages Used:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP